Dave Anthony has been a broadcaster in the MJHL for the past 7 seasons. Every week, he’ll share a thought on the 12 teams in the MJHL and other things from across the league.
With the province going into Level Red, we knew things were going to change and it was announced the MJHL has paused all activity till 2021.
As a fan, I’m disappointed it had to come to this. As a rational human being, it’s a great way to display what they’ve said all along, that health and safety comes first.
I hope we can all do our part to helping the province and each other get through this.
Let’s be selfless. Let’s wear our mask and let’s make some adjustments to our lifestyles.
It’s not just for us but for those around us.
Take 1: All the teams across the MJHL did a great job putting something on social media about Remembrance Day. Teams across the league would normally have done something in the arena but because of no games, this was the next best way to show respect and it’s cool to see the different accounts put their own creativity on it. If you don’t follow all MJHL teams on Twitter, you should.
Take 2: The final game of 2020 was Saturday, November 7th, a win for the Waywayseecappo Wolverines. There are a few teams that were rolling before the pause and Wayway at 7-3 was one of them. Jaymes Knee broke out with a pair of goals and Wolverine fans are hoping he can carry that positive momentum over to 2021.
Take 3: The final goal of 2020 was scored by Mack Belinski of Wayway. The first goal of 2020 was scored by Carter Loney of the Steinbach Pistons on January 3rd.
Take 4: There will be 53 days between the last game of 2020 and the first game 2021 (fingers AND toes crossed) January 1st.
Take 5: I’m pretty sure the only way you’d stop Virden from winning is to literally pause the league. A come from behind win over Swan Valley marks that point as even down two in the third, they manage to come back and win. Hunter Cloutier has 6 goals and 11 assists at the pause. He’s put-up points in all but 2 games this year for the Oil Caps. Oh, he also had 5 in that last game vs the Stamps.
Take 6: Mo-vember causes are always great… even if the mustaches on some of the guys are not. It takes a lot to rock a dirty duster proudly. But it’s so much more than that for Steinbach Piston Zac Patrick. The story is up on the MJHL website and for anyone that’s had a family member impacted by cancer, it’s a must read. Wishing the Patrick family all the best. The Pistons are raising money for Cancer Care Manitoba and here’s the link to get involved. Right now, they’re over $4,300!
Take 7: If you’re looking for a hockey fix until the MJHL comes back, take a look at the Humboldt Broncos of the SJHL. There’s something really special happening there. They are a legit power house and easily top 3 if not THE top of the class in the entire CJHL.
Take 8: In Alberta, they’ve announced things will start up this weekend. Judging by the exhibition season where some teams played 10 games and others 2, safe to say nothing can really be figured out just yet. Except the Sherwood Park Crusaders and the Brooks Bandits are once again really, really good.
Take 9: The BCHL has had to delay things. They wanted to get started this weekend as well but COVID ruined that. The league announced they’ve cancelled 7 games between Nov. 13th and 21st. Welcome to the canceled games club, BCHL. It sucks. You’re gonna hate it.
Take 10: If you’re still looking for a hockey fix, why not learn a little about hockey history? Go watch the movie Miricle, it’s a classic. If you can find it, the CBC did a documentary style movie on the ’72 Summit Series which is fantastic. Heck, watch anything about the ’72 Summit Series and you’ll be happier for it.
Take 11: I fully support the idea of their being 2 Masters ever year. If you had plans for Saturday and Sunday that do not involve couching and golf, you need to cancel them and sit on the couch and watch golf. Especially if Tiger is in the hunt. Does anyone wear red on Sunday better?
Take 12: Speaking of the Masters, shoutout to former MJHL’er Scott Mikoski who put together a great Masters pool filled with current and former players. The winning’s are high but the bragging rights among the ones involved are even higher. Yes, I’m involved and yes, I took Dechambeau…. no Tiger either…. not liking my chances.