Operating a junior hockey team takes real imagination and strong partnerships. The article below was submitted to us by the Steinbach Pistons. The article explains how the Piston organization worked with its partners for a positive outcome.
Harvest has come to a close with winter making its presence felt and despite the ups and downs this past season brought, the Steinbach Pistons first year as farmers was a success.
The Pistons teamed up with Henervic Farms, who were a major asset in guiding the Pistons in all of the decisions that were needed to be made throughout the year. The inaugural season wouldn’t have been possible without Henervic Farm’s expertise and the help of Southeast Seeds, Southeastern Farm Equipment, Mana, Bayer Crop Science and Monsanto Bio-Ag.
At the end of the day, due to wet conditions in the spring the Pistons were only able to plant 100 of their 120 acres. The original plan to plant corn was changed to soybeans last minute right before the crop insurance deadline at the beginning of June.
The last minute switch of crops proved to be a very wise decision because of the shorter growing season and a drop in corn prices. After a month, reports weren’t good because of all the standing water on the field, which is located five miles southeast of Steinbach.
However, the sun started to shine in July, providing the crop with ideal conditions to finally flourish. After another crop inspection mid-August, a gloomy start turned into a positive outlook. After harvest in mid-October, Henveric Farms reported that the Pistons were able harvest a total of 3000 bushels.
The organization want to send out special thank-you to Henervic Farms and all the sponsors who joined alongside with the kick-off of this new fundraising venture. If your business is interested in joining the Pistons Crop Program contact info@steinbachpistons.ca