The Steinbach Pistons took advantage of the fantastic weather over the weekend to plant this year’s crop. This is the 3rd year the Pistons have ventured into the agricultural world, and they are once again teaming up with local producer Henervic Farms.
This year’s field is situated approximately four miles down Kokomo Road south of Highway 52. This was the site of the Pistons first crop project back in 2014. Back in 2014, the Pistons had to switch from corn to soybeans last minute because the field was too wet to seed until the beginning of June. This year is a different story and Ed Peters from Henvervic Farms is confident this year will be a bumper crop.
“We always have a bumper crop at the beginning of May, and this is one of those,” said Peters, who is one of the Pistons 38 community owners. “It’s as good of a start as you can get at this time of year.”
Peters took four hours out of his Saturday morning to plant the 108-acre field. He says his seeding for the spring is now complete. He mentioned a half inch of rain would be perfect to get the seeds going.
This is Hevervic Farms second time assisting the Steinbach Pistons, last year Herbsigwil Farms came joined to be a part of the Crop Program initiative. Southeast Seeds has again for the third year in a row helped supply the seed.
“We think it’s a great way to be involved,” said Peters. “It’s something that we do on a regular basis anyway, so it’s not outside of our comfort zone. It also gives us a chance to meet people on the team and on the board.”
The Pistons are very grateful for the agricultural community’s help in building a successful Junior ‘A’ program in southeastern Manitoba.
Please watch video story: