Q: You’re name is Kris Kringle, but you’re also know as Santa Claus? What’s up with that?
A: It’s a bit complicated. Kris Kringle is derived from the Christian tradition, the ritual is known as Secret Santa in the United States and the United Kingdom; as Kris Kringle or Kris Kindle (Christkindl) in Ireland; as Secret Santa, Kris Kringle, or Chris Kindle (Christkindl) in parts of Austria; as Secret Santa or Kris Kringle in Canada and Australia; and as Secret Santa, Kris Kringle, or Monito-monita in the Philippines.
Q: Favourite NHL team?
A: Montreal Canadiens, because they wear my favourite colour of red.
Q: Favourite NHL player?
A: Guy Lafleur. But, I also like Carey Price.
Q: Any superstitions? If so, how about listing a few?
A: I don’t like to eat cookies in package. I like the home-baked variety. Chocolate chip. I also like to give the reindeer a pep talk before we head off from the North Pole.
Q: Do you have a favourite MJHL team?
A: Nope. But I like the food in Winkler. Good sausage dog. Selkirk has good popcorn.
Q: Who’s the greatest player? Gretzky or Lemieux? Or Bobby Orr?
A: Not even close. Orr.
Q: Favourite MJHL player?
A: A few. Troy Martynuik in Dauphin has been writing me letters for years; Devin Muir in OCN always leaves me cookies; Brad Bowles in Portage is always a good boy.
Q: Favourite songs on your IPod?
A: White Christmas – Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer – Hell’s Bells by AC/DC.
Q: Favourite pre-Christmas meal?
A: Rib steak (medium well). Baked potato (just butter/no sour cream) – Fresh corn – beef/barley soup.
Q: Any favourite MJHL town?
A: Dauphin. Home of the best-ever broadcaster! Love his ‘casts.
Q: If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone in the MJHL, who would it be?
A: Ken Pearson, coach of Winkler. I don’t have to look up at him when we’re talking.
Q: Anyone getting a lump of coal in the MJ?
A: Well, Tre Potskin and Suede Omeasoo of OCN, and maybe Jonah Wasylak of Steinbach, they’ve spent a bit of time in the sinbin.
Q: Any hobbies?
A: Absolutely. Jogging. Lifting weights. Boot camps. Fishing sometimes. I also like to race the elves around the workshop.
Q: If they made a new “Santa Claus” movie, would it be action/adventure? Comedy? Romantic? Mystery?
A: Mystery. A who dunnit.
Q: Which actor would play you?
A: Colin Farrell (he’d have to bulk up quite a bit)
Q: Who would be the leading lady in your movie?
A: That’s easy – Jennifer Coolidge.
Q: Last movie you went to?
A: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
Q: If not being Santa Claus, what would you be doing?
A: Coaching hockey. Looks like fun standing on the bench.
Q: Don Cherry … love him? Can’t stand him?
A: Love the suits! And, he kind of looks like a Santa Claus with the white hair.
Q: Top 3 things on your bucket list?
A: Lose 10 pounds … go surfing in Hawaii … have lunch with Marlin Murray.
Q: Other than hockey, any other favourite sports?
A: Reindeer racing … curling … cross-country skiing. Love those winter sports!
Q: Best verbal jab aimed at you? (No profanity, please.)
A: “I like the Easter bunny better” … or, “The Tooth Fairy leaves better presents”.